Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Barake is a special movie that tries to capture the world and its problems in a very unique way.

This film which has no dialog or actors, delivers footage from around the world in a particular order. The footage includes various landscapes from different countries, as well as different religious structures and cultures rituals. The movie also brings different populations and cities thrumming with life. The order of the pictures in the movie starts in the far east, moves to Asia, then Africa, and the Americas. The film is also brought in a chronical order to show the great impact of humans on the world, with the problems assosiated with it.

the beggining of the movie brings pictures of different religions and their wordship rituals, from around the world. the film moves from the primitive and pure cultures to the big cities were technology is developed, and population is exploding. The movement through time comes to show the social and economical problems assosiated with the world today. A great footage is delivered throughout the movie of the reach people from the big cities next to the poor and the misroble from different places around the world.

As well as showing the social and economical problems of the world today, the movie delivers the different wars that took place, their effect on human kind and distraction they caused.

In overall the movie comes to show what human beings has done to the world, and the major problems that came with the technological development.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Progect #5 Superfund in the nighborhod

In my area there are several superfunds:

Site Name: Hollingsworth Solderless Terminal Superfund Site
Size: 3.5 acres
Supported Site Uses:
commercial and light industrial land uses
Existing Site Infrastructure:
water, sewer, electricity, and two former manufacturing buildings
available on-site
Readiness for Use:
Ready now: approximately 30,000 square feet of building space
Restricted use: remediation equipment locations
Additional Considerations: Liens placed on the site by EPA for
back taxes and by local authorities for a fire code violation


5601 NW 15 AVENUE

taken from

Monday, February 4, 2008

Genetically altered food

Today much of the food we eat (aspecialy in United States) is geneticaly engineered.
The process of modifying food include isolating a genome from an organism, modifying some desired genes and inserting the modified genes back to the organism's genome to produce new and usefull traits and phenotypes.

A short list of genetically altered food in the United States:
Frito-Lay Fritos Corn Chips
* Bravos Tortilla Chips
* Kellogg's Corn Flakes
* General Mills Total Corn Flakes Cereal
* Post Blueberry Morning Cereal
* Heinz 2 Baby Food
* Enfamil ProSobee Soy Formula
* Similac Isomil Soy Formula
* Nestle Carnation Alsoy Infant Formula
* Quaker Chewy Granola Bars
* Nabisco Snackwell's Granola Bars
* Ball Park Franks
* Duncan Hines Cake Mix
* Quick Loaf Bread Mix
* Ultra Slim Fast
* Quaker Yellow Corn Meal
* Light Life Gimme Lean
* Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix
* Alpo Dry Pet Food
* Gardenburger
* Boca Burger Chef Max's Favorite
* Morning Star Farms Better'n Burgers
* Green Giant Harvest Burgers (now called Morningstar Farms)
* McDonald's McVeggie Burgers
* Ovaltine Malt Powdered Beverage Mix
* Betty Crocker Bac-O's Bacon Flavor Bits
* Old El Paso Taco Shells
* Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix

and this is just a list of the popular GM food
Information recieved from