Monday, January 21, 2008

Save the Forests

One of the largest ecological problems today is the destruction of natural forests.
large amount of trees are being cut every year, clearing forests and natural wildlife all around the world.
In a way the fight to save those forests is a vital fight to save our lives. The environmental systems that important to our lives sach as air and water, affected greatly by the destruction of those forests. The global warming, as an eample is geatly related to forests aliminations by humans.

Healthy forests provide far greater economic benefits than do logged ones. Healthy ecosystem qualities such as clean air and water, fish, wildlife and recreation generate far more jobs and economic benefits for our communities than timber dollars ever could.

Deforestation of our national forests is one of the greatest tragedies of our time. It is also one of the most preventable. Only two percent of timber in the United States comes from our national forests. That's timber we can readily do without, simply by reducing our use of wood and paper products and using recycled materials. (taken from greenpeace website)

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